Head Management

Similar to asset injection, head management follows the same idea: we can dynamically attach data to the render context in a component's lifecycle, and then interpolate those data in template.

In version 2.3.2+, you can directly access the SSR context in a component as this.$ssrContext. In older versions you'd have to manually inject the SSR context by passing it to createApp() and expose it on the root instance's $options - child components can then access it via this.$root.$options.ssrContext.

We can write a simple mixin to perform title management:

// title-mixin.js

function getTitle(vm) {
  // components can simply provide a `title` option
  // which can be either a string or a function
  const { title } = vm.$options;
  if (title) {
    return typeof title === "function" ? title.call(vm) : title;

const serverTitleMixin = {
  created() {
    const title = getTitle(this);
    if (title) {
      this.$ssrContext.title = title;

const clientTitleMixin = {
  mounted() {
    const title = getTitle(this);
    if (title) {
      document.title = title;

// `KDU_ENV` can be injected with `webpack.DefinePlugin`
export default process.env.KDU_ENV === "server"
  ? serverTitleMixin
  : clientTitleMixin;

Now, a route component can make use of this to control the document title:

// Item.kdu
export default {
  mixins: [titleMixin],

  title() {
    return this.item.title;

  serverPrefetch() {
    return this.$store.dispatch("fetchItem", this.$route.params.id);

  computed: {
    item() {
      return this.$store.state.items[this.$route.params.id];

And inside the template passed to bundle renderer:

    <title>{{ title }}</title>


  • Use double-mustache (HTML-escaped interpolation) to avoid XSS attacks.

  • You should provide a default title when creating the context object in case no component has set a title during render.

Using the same strategy, you can easily expand this mixin into a generic head management utility.